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Reverse Auctions
- Assure the pricing you are receiving is the lowest possible pricing
- Live, real time graph tracking the bidders pricing
- You can select to hide each bidder name or leave them for all to see
- Allow only the vendors you pre-qualify and invite to the reverse auction or allow any interested party to participate
- Eliminate the phone calls for public record requests
- Eliminate the process of copying, packaging and mailing public request documents
- Public records can automatically be posted with the push of a button
- All of the information is captured throughout the bidding process and can be made available to the public to search and retrieve
- Award to bidders on a line item basis
- Can select one bidder per item or multiple
- Can send vendor bid award information with the push of a button right from the system
- Automatically compare the bids on a line item basis
- Bid tabulation automatically created from the vendor electronic bid submittals
- Eliminate the timely requirement to enter the bid information onto a spreadsheet to compare
- With the selection of a single button have all of the bid information sorted to compare the vendor submittals
- Eliminate the possibility of errors in transcribing the bid information
- Automate the data entry for your bids and eliminate the time your employees have to re-enter the bid information
- Central Bidding will automate the process of populating the bid information directly from your server to the electronic bid form.
- You simply select the bid template and enter your unique bid identification information and all of the bid information pre-populates the necessary fields for the vendors.
- You can even have your vendors automatically notified that you have released a bid and are looking for them to submit pricing, based on the commodity code the vendor submitted at registration.